FLL (FIRST Lego League)
FRC team 573 has recruited students from St. Regis, Holy Name, and St. Hugo to create a FLL team. We are happy to mentor the FLL team 5845 - The Powerful Bananas. We provide three mentors for this team. These mentors help build mission tables, mentor the students, and teach young students about STEM.
FTC (FIRST Tech Challenge)
FRC Team 573 started FTC team 9028 in 2014, and continue to mentor them today. In their rookie year, they went to the state championship! We have four high school mentors and two adult mentors. We guide them to build their own robot and compete in competitions. It is a great experience for both the kids and the mentors.
Other STEM Outreach
We continue our outreach by helping at different STEM events. We love STEM-related outreach. 4 years ago, we hosted the Mech Warrior Mayhem FLL event. In ‘19, we co-hosted the FLL Jr. Expo at St. William School, hosted an OCCRA event for 20 high school teams, & hosted an FTC league meet. This past year, we hosted one of FIM’s virtual FTC events, and again hosted an OCCRA event at Marian.
We have taught coding at The Henry Ford’s Maker Faire to people of all ages, seeing about 80 people each day during the 2 days annually, & have done similar STEM activities at Cranbrook’s Halloween Science event, seeing over 50 kids annually. This year, one of our students started an engineering club at Rice, and another started an architecture club, creating STEM opportunities for other students.
FRC Outreach
We are proud of helping the Chilean Hearts, with whom we worked during their rookie year to get their robot event-ready. In ‘19, they qualified to compete at Worlds, & we were excited to cheer for them & their sister team, Pizza Mecanica, & provide them with a pit set-up & batteries. That same year, we offered mentor guidance, tools, & a chassis to the St. Catherine team & hosted the Mercy team to teach them about our computerized scouting. In ‘20, we discussed FRC participation with a STEM-based school in Mexico, offering guidance & assisting in plans to join FRC. In ‘21, our coaches & alumni were involved with managing & building a FIM-sponsored FRC simulator that enables teams to configure & code a robot & compete in a multiplayer format. Also, we helped a fellow team to rebuild their robot during our OCCRA events.
Annually, we set up & take down fields, provide a mobile machine shop for teams, & have a squad to help teams struggling with inspection. We provide materials & tools to other teams (this year, 8854 & 8728). We organize scouting at events with rookies & smaller teams & share our scouting app for their other events.